Convoy consists of several services working in tandem. Below is an architecture diagram and the traffic pattern.


Let’s break down the image above by describing the important elements.


The API Server hosts Convoy’s REST API that powers the dashboard, and all HTTP SDK functions. When events are sent through the API, they are immediately enqueued to Redis, where an agent picks it up and persists the events into the database, before dispatching to endpoints. We iterate at a fast pace and often release new features, we try our best to make it backward compatible while shipping new exciting features. When there are breaking changes, we explicitly communicate them in the Release Notes.

The API Server is a stateless service, and can be scaled horizontally. We suggest that you deploy them behind a load balancer to properly distribute traffic among the instances. See the CLI details here.


The agent combines the capabilities of the worker and ingest components, making it easier to reason about and keeping the architecture simple. These instances are responsible for the following:

  1. Asynchronous Task Processing: Processing all asynchronous tasks in the queue. These can range from important functions like processing webhook events to ancillary tasks like sending emails, purging stale events (retention policies) etc. These workers are designed to be stateless and can be scaled horizontally to increase the throughput of the entire system.

  2. Message Brokers Integration: These stateless workers are used to consume webhook events from message brokers. They poll source configuration from the database and consume events from the broker and write it to the redis queue.

See the CLI details here


The egress service is an HTTP Connect Proxy that is directly responsible for sending webhook events to the client endpoints. These services provide two major benefits:

  1. Static IPs: because it is a connect-proxy, we are able to maintain a predefined set of IP address on all requests forwarded to client endpoints.
  2. Security: The egress service prevents Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF) by creating a blocklist of URLs that cannot receive requests to prevent malicious users from triggering unexpected behaviours in your environment.

By design, the egress service should be deployed in a static environment (i.e., specific VMs with IP Address pre-defined). Depending on your availability requirements, we suggest you deploy at least three instances and place a load balancer in front of the egress services to distribute traffic evenly. We highly recommend and use Smokescreen.

Third-Party Dependencies

PostgreSQL 15+

Postgres is used as for the following

  • Primary data store
  • Search backend

Redis 6+

Redis is used for a number of operations, namely

  • Caching
  • Job queueing
  • Rate limiting
  • Circuit breaking

Deprecated Architecture and Components

We will continue to maintain the worker and ingest component for two months. They will be unavailable by November, 2024.


The workers are responsible for processing all asynchronous tasks from Redis. This can range from important functions like processing webhook events to ancillary tasks like sending emails, purging stale events (retention policies) etc.

These workers are designed to be stateless and can be scaled horizontally to increase the throughput of the entire system. See the CLI details here


This is a stateless worker server used to consume webhook events from message brokers. It constantly polls source configuration from the database and consumes events from the broker. It is not responsible for processing these events other than consuming from the broker and writing to redis to be consumed by a standard worker. See the CLI details here