What is the difference between an incoming and an outgoing webhooks project?
Features | Incoming | Outgoing |
Purpose | For API consumers. In this scenario, Convoy acts as a reliable ingress for webhook events. | For API providers. In this scenario, Convoy acts as a reliable egress for webhook events. |
Portal | You don’t need a portal because you have access to the entire dashboard. | Each API consumer needs a portal to view their specific endpoint webhook logs. |
Event Sources | Events are ingested only through HTTP source URLs. | Events are ingested through REST API and PubSub systems like Amazon SQS, Google PubSub, etc. |
How does API versioning work?
TL;DR: Even if you upgrade your convoy server, you can still use your
clients as is or make API calls without making any changes by pining the API version to the older version.
There are two versions that need to be tracked, the server and the client version.
The server version is automatically set the most recent version whenever there is a breaking change e.g., 2024-04-01
Server API Version
You can pin the server to an API version using the environment variable either of the two below.
// In convoy.json
"api_version": "0001-01-01"
// In environment variables
Client API Version
You can pin the client to an API version using the http header X-Convoy-Version
request log
POST /api/v1/projects/01HS1672A88250D57J8SZV4P3A HTTP/1.1
Authorization: --REDACTED--
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br
Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 113
User-Agent: Convoy Go SDK
X-Convoy-Version: 0001-01-01
API Version Precedence
The order of precedence for the API version is as follows, larger numbers take precedence:
Name | Location | Precedence | Rationale for overriding |
api_version | convoy.json | 0 | |
CONVOY_API_VERSION | environment variables | 1 | Environment variables take precedence over values set in convoy.json |
X-Convoy-Version | http headers | 2 | Each http request can pin the version if they want to fetch content in a particular format |
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