Convoy can be configured by using any of the following:

  • A configuration file — convoy.json
  • Environment variables.
  • cli flags

It is recommended to pick one configuration method and stick to it, but if you mix and match, the order of precedence is as follows: cli flags > environment variables > convoy.json file. Values set in the cli flags will override the same config values set in environment variables, and values set in both of them will override the same values set in your convoy.json.

Configuration Reference

Here’s the full configuration reference

  // [optional] 
  // Convoy uses a backwards-compatible api verisioning strategy 
  // for the REST API. This config specifies which version your 
  // instance should use. The environment variable equivalent is 
  // CONVOY_API_VERSION. The default value is the latest at the time of release.
  "api_version": "2024-01-01",

  // [optional] 
  // This is used to specify the host the server is running on. 
  // It is used in emails with links to access the instance. 
  // E.g. user invitation. The environment variable equivalent is 
  // CONVOY_HOST. The default value is localhost. 
  "host": "",

  // [required]
  // Database configuration for your instance. As of this writing, 
  // Convoy only supports PostgreSQL.
  "database": {
    // Database host URL. The environment variable equivalent is 
    // CONVOY_DB_HOST. The default value is localhost.
    "host": "localhost",

    // Database scheme. The environment variable equivalent is 
    // CONVOY_DB_SCHEME. The default value is postgres.
    "scheme": "postgres",

    // Database username. The environment equivalent is 
    // CONVOY_DB_USERNAME. The default is postgres.
    "username": "postgres",

    // Database password. The environment equivalent is 
    // CONVOY_DB_PASSWORD. The default is postgres.
    "password": "postgres",

    // Database name. The environment equivalent is 
    // CONVOY_DB_DATABASE. The default is convoy.
    "database": "convoy",

    // Database options. The environment equivalent is 
    "options": "sslmode=disable&connect_timeout=30",
    // Database port. The environment equivalent is 
    // CONVOY_DB_PORT. The default value is 5432.
    "port": 5432

    // This is used to tune the connection to the database 
    // for maximum performance. It specifies the maximum 
    // amount of open connections allowed in the connection pool.
    // The environment variable equivalent is CONVOY_DB_MAX_OPEN_CONN
    "max_open_conn": 10,

    // This is used to tune the connection to the database 
    // for maximum performance. It specifies how many idle 
    // connections are allowed in the connection pool.
    // The environment variable equivalent is CONVOY_DB_MAX_IDLE_CONN
    "max_idle_conn": 10,

    // This is used to tune the connection to the database
    // for maximum performance. It specifies how long any 
    // connection is kept in the pool before being killed.
    // The environment variable equivalent is CONVOY_DB_CONN_MAX_LIFETIME
    "conn_max_lifetime": 10

  // Each Convoy component, includes a server component. This is used to 
  // configure the server on each component.
  "server": {

      "http": {

          // This is a boolean flag used to determine if ssl should be 
          // enabled or not. The environment variable equivalent is 
          // SSL. The default value is false.
          "ssl": false,

          // This is a path used to read the ssl cert file. The environment 
          // variable equivalent is CONVOY_SSL_CERT_FILE. If ssl is set to 
          // true, then this must be supplied. 
          "ssl_cert_file": "",

          // This is a path used to read the ssl key file. The environment 
          // variable equivalent is CONVOY_SSL_KEY_FILE. If ssl is set to 
          // true, then this must be supplied. 
          "ssl_key_file": "",

          // This is used to configure the port for the api server runs on. This 
          // config has no effect on the other components. The environment
          // variable equivalent is PORT.
          "port": 5005,

          // This is used to configure the port the worker server runs on. This 
          // config has no effect on the other components. The environment 
          // variable equivalent is WORKER_PORT.
          "worker_port": 5006,

          // This is used to configure the port the ingest server runs on. This 
          // config has no effect on the other components. The environment 
          // variable equivalent is INGEST_PORT.
          "ingest_port": 5007,

          // This is used to configure the port the socket server runs on. This 
          // config has no effect on the other components. The environment 
          // variable equivalent is SOCKET_PORT.
          "socket_port": 5008,

          // This is used to configure the forward proxy URL. This is must be set
          // on all workers if you want to configure a forward proxy. The 
          // environment variable equivalent is HTTP_PROXY.
          "http_proxy": ""

  // [required]
  // Redis configuration for your instance. Convoy uses redis for 
  // caching and enqueuing delivery.
  "redis": {

    // Redis port. The environment variable equivalent is
    "port": 6379,

    // Redis host. The environment variable equivalent is
    "host": "localhost",

    // Redis scheme. The environment variable equivalent is
    // CONVOY_REDIS_SCHEME. Redis sentinel is not currently supported.
    "scheme": "redis", 

    // Redis username. The environment variable equivalent is
    "username": "redis",

    // Redis password. The environment variable equivalent is
    "password": "redis",

    // Redis database. The environment variable equivalent is 
    // CONVOY_REDIS_DATABASE. The default: 0
    "database": 0,

    // [optional]
    // Redis cluster addresses. The environment variable equivalent is 
    // CONVOY_REDIS_ADDRESSES. The value takes precedence over the 
    // other redis configuration in this object. The urls are fully
    // qualified domain names.
    "addresses": "{url}, {url}, ..."

  // [optional]
  // your convoy license key, you will to specify this in order to access paid features.
  // The environment variable equivalent is CONVOY_LICENSE_KEY.
  "license_key": "<your-license-key>",

  // [optional]
  // This is used to tune the workers pool size in our workers. 
  // The environment variable equivalent is CONVOY_CONSUMER_POOL_SIZE.
  // The default value is 100.
  "consumer_pool_size": 100,

  // [optional]
  // This is enum flag used to enable access to experimental features. 
  // The only supported value as of this writing is experimental. 
  // The environment variable equivalent is CONVOY_FEATURE_FLAG.
  "feature_flag": "experimental",

  // [optional]
  // This is a boolean flag to configure profiling any Convoy component.
  // The environment variable equivalent is CONVOY_ENABLE_PROFILING. 
  // The default value is false.
  "enable_profiling": false,

  // [optional]
  // smtp configuration is used to configure an email backend to use in 
  // sending emails like notification emails, etc.
  "smtp": {

    // Specify the smtp provider. The environment variable equivalent is
		"provider": "sendgrid",

    // Specify the smtp URL. The environment variable equivalent is
		"url": "",

    // Specify the smtp port. The environment variable equivalent is
		"port": 2525,

    // Specify the smtp username. The environment variable equivalent is
		"username": "apikey",

    // Specify the smtp password. The environment variable equivalent is 
		"password": "api-key-from-sendgrid",

    // Specify the smtp from email. The environment variable equivalent is 
		"from": "[email protected]"

  // [optional]
  // Specify the retention policy configurations for your convoy instance
  // See the storage_policy config to configure where purged events will be stored.
  "retention_policy": {
      // Specify the period of time to go back before purging events, events within the specifed time period will not be purged.
      // The environment variable equivalent is CONVOY_RETENTION_POLICY
      "policy": "720h",

      // Specify whether the retention policy job should run. The environment variable equivalent is CONVOY_RETENTION_POLICY_ENABLED
      "enabled": false,

  // [optional]
  // This is used to configure the logger for any Convoy component.
  "logger": {

    // This is used to configure the logging level. The supported values 
    // are: fatal, error, warn, info, debug. The environment variable
    // equivalent is CONVOY_LOGGER_LEVEL. The default value is error.
    "level": "debug"

  // [optional]
  // This is used to configure how we generate and push traces to. While
  // it is an optional object, we highly recommend it to easily spot and 
  // fix production issues.
  "tracer": {

    // This is specifies the tracing backend to use, currently there are two 
    // supported in-built backends: otel, sentry. The environment variable
    // equivalent is CONVOY_TRACER_PROVIDER
    "type": "otel",

    // This is used to configure an otel tracing backend. If type above is set 
    // to otel, then the object needs to be fully configured.
    "otel": {

      // OTel trace generation sample rate. The environment variable
      // equivalent is CONVOY_OTEL_SAMPLE_RATE
      "sample_rate": 1.0,

      // OTel backend URL. Only grpc ingestion urls are supported. 
      // The environment variable equivalent is CONVOY_OTEL_SAMPLE_RATE
      "collector_url": "",

      // Specifies if server certs should be verified or not.
      // The environment variable equivalent is CONVOY_OTEL_INSECURE_SKIP_VERIFY
      "insecure_skip_verify": true,

      // This is used to specify extra auth headers for specific backends. E.g.
      // some vendors require an api key authentication.
      "otel_auth": {

        // This is the request header key. E.g. Signoz-Api-Key. The environment
        // variable equivalent is CONVOY_OTEL_AUTH_HEADER_NAME.
        "header_name": "",

        // This is the request header value. The environment variable 
        // equivalent is CONVOY_OTEL_AUTH_HEADER_VALUE.
        "header_value": ""

    // This is used to configure the sentry tracing backend. If type above is set 
    // to sentry, then this object needs to be fully configured.
    "sentry": {

      // This is used to specify the sentry DSN. The environment variable equivalent
      // is CONVOY_SENTRY_DSN.
      "dsn": ""

  // [optional]
  // We use this to configure deleting events away from PostgreSQL. This config 
  // is optional, but if you're configuring retention policies on your project, 
  // then you need to supply it. 
  "storage_policy": {

    // The type can be either s3 or on_prem. The environment variable equivalent is CONVOY_STORAGE_POLICY_TYPE.
    "type": "s3",

    // If type above is set to s3, then this config needs to be supplied.
    "s3": {

      // We use this is prefix objects from this instance to S3. The
      // environment variable equivalent is CONVOY_STORAGE_AWS_PREFIX.
      "prefix": "",

      // S3 Buckect name. The environment variable equivalent is 
      "bucket": "",

      // Bucket access key. The environment variable equivalent is 
      "access_key": "",

      // Bucket secret key. The environment variable equivalent is 
      "secret_key": "",

      // Bucket region. The environment variable equivalent is 
      "region": "",

      // auth session token. The environment variable equivalent is 
      "session_token": "",

      // The environment variable equivalent is CONVOY_STORAGE_AWS_ENDPOINT.
      "endpoint": ""

    // If type above is set to on_prem, then this config needs to be supplied.
    "on_prem": {

      // This specifies the path on the machine where pruned events are stored. 
      // The environment variable equivalent is CONVOY_STORAGE_PREM_PATH.
      "path": ""

  // [optional]
  // This is used to configure authentication on your instance. The default values 
  // should be fine, except you want something more custom.
  "auth": {

    // This boolean flag is used to enable/disable registration on your
    // instance. The environment variable equivalent is CONVOY_SIGNUP_ENABLED.
    "is_signup_enabled": true,

    "jwt": {
      // This is a boolean flag to enable user authentication or not. 
      // The environment variable equivalent is CONVOY_JWT_REALM_ENABLED. 
      // The default value is true.
      "enabled": true,

      // This is used to generate JWT tokens for UI API access. The environment
      // variable equivalent is CONVOY_JWT_SECRET. 
      "secret": "",

      // This is used to determine how long a token is valid for in seconds. 
      // The environment variable equivalent is CONVOY_JWT_EXPIRY. 
      "expiry": 1800,

      // This is used to generate refresh JWT tokens. The environment 
      // variable equivalent is CONVOY_JWT_REFRESH_SECRET. 
      "refresh_secret": "",

      // This is used to determine how long a refresh token is valid for in seconds. 
      // The environment variable equivalent is CONVOY_JWT_REFRESH_EXPIRY. 
      "refresh_expiry": 3600
    "native": {

      // This is a boolean flag to enable user authentication or not. 
      // The environment variable equivalent is CONVOY_NATIVE_REALM_ENABLED. 
      // The default value is true.
      "enabled": true
