Convoy exports metrics about the state of events received and sent via Prometheus

Enabling Metrics

Metrics are currently in beta, and aren’t enabled by default. To enable them, you need to

  • Enable the prometheus feature flag using CONVOY_ENABLE_FEATURE_FLAG=prometheus
  • Set the metrics backend env var CONVOY_METRICS_BACKEND

Either one of the two code blocks below will work.

enabling convoy metrics using flags
convoy worker --metrics-backend=prometheus --enable-feature-flag=prometheus
enabling convoy metrics using env vars
export CONVOY_METRICS_BACKEND=prometheus
convoy worker --enable-feature-flag=prometheus

Queue Metrics

convoy_event_queue_totalGaugeTotal number of tasks in the event queue
convoy_event_queue_scheduled_totalGaugeTotal number of tasks scheduled in the event queue
convoy_event_queue_backlog_secondsGaugeNumber of seconds the oldest pending task is waiting in pending state to be processed.
convoy_event_delivery_queue_totalGaugeTotal number of tasks in the delivery queue per endpoint
convoy_event_delivery_attempts_totalGaugeTotal number of attempts per endpoint
convoy_event_delivery_queue_backlog_secondsGaugeNumber of seconds the oldest pending task is waiting in pending state to be processed per endpoint

Data Ingestion Metrics

convoy_ingest_totalCounterTotal number of events ingested
convoy_ingest_successCounterTotal number of events successfully ingested and consumed
convoy_ingest_errorCounterTotal number of errors during event ingestion
convoy_end_to_end_latencyHistogramTotal time (in seconds) an event spends in Convoy.

[!WARNING] Feature flags in Convoy were reimplemented on a per-feature basis.
The following flags/configs are no longer valid:

  • --feature-flag=experimental