To ingest events using Google PubSub, follow the steps outlined below:


Create a PubSub Topic


Create a Subscription


Create a Service Account with PubSub Admin Role


Generate Service Account JSON Key


Configure Source

Supply your Project ID, Topic Name, Subscription and upload your service account json key.


Ingest Events

Continue to the next section to see how to format the event payload.

Ingestion Options

There are two ways to ingest events into Convoy from Google PubSub:

  • Format the payload using the structure below as a guide and write it to your topic.
    reference payload
        "event_type": "string, required",
        "data": "object, required",
        "custom_headers": { // optional
            "x-convoy-message-type": "single",
            "sample-header": "sample-value"
        "idempotency_key": "string, optional",
        "owner_id": "string, optional", // if included, the event is sent to all endpoints with the owner-id
        "endpoint_id": "string, optional" // if included, the event is sent to a single endpoint

    If x-convoy-message-type set to broadcast, the event will be sent to all endpoints in the project, ignoring both the endpoint_id and owner_id values.

For a full list of reference payloads, see our guide on ingesting events

  • Send your arbitrarily formatted event payloads to your topic and use Convoy’s transform functions to mutate them at the point of ingestion.
    transform function
    function transform(payload) {
        return {
            "endpoint_id": "",
            "owner_id": "",
            "event_type": "sample",
            "data": payload, // payload contains arbitrary message data read from your queue
            "custom_headers": {
                "sample-header": "sample-value"
            "idempotency_key": ""

Things to note

  • Messages are read of the PubSub topic in chunks by each worker.
  • Acknowledgements are done automatically, this is handled by Google’s Go library.